موقع الاعلامية مني الشاذلي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

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اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
dr.antoine sayegh

dr.antoine sayegh

النوع النوع : ذكر
العمر العمر : 66
Localisation : syria
الدولــة الدولــة : سورية
تاريخ التسجيل تاريخ التسجيل : 16/12/2010

participation Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: participation   participation I_icon_minitimeالإثنين أكتوبر 08, 2012 1:18 am

Syrian Human Rights Council(SHRC)
Syria Blue Crescent
H.E. Ban Ki-moon
United Nations
New York, NY 10017
7,Octobre ,2012
My great Dears
the honorable and respectable director of the secretary general of the united nations Mr. Ban Ki-moon .
the honorable and respectable director of the UN security council
the honorable and respectable director of the UN general assembly Mr. Vud Jeremic.
the honorable and respectable director of the UN human rights council Laura Dupuy Lasserre.
the honorable and respectable leaders of the world.
The honorable and respectable Navanethem Pillay the High Commissioner for Human Rights
from the exigent necessity of the critical situation in Syria and I am the director for the Syrian Human Rights Council(SHRC) and I am also Ambassador and Director / Delegate FHM Medical Attaché.
Faculty of Humanitarian Medics (FHM) of Syria Blue Crescent Society
I ask you to appoint me officially as :
1. international pretender to sue in an international lawsuit on the all Syrian crimes ( the declared and the secrecy )which considered as crimes against humanity and under the international civil claimant and under the international laws of the united nations and the laws of the human rights to summon all defendants of the different Syrian agents ,persons ,citizens , and the members of the different Syrian parties ,intelligences ,military ,civil killers and assassinators from all Syrian directions which their hands stained from the expensive bloods of the innocent children and defenseless peoples of the spring Arab revolutions and especially of the peaceful demonstrations in Syria and from the destroying for every city or village in Syria ,which their hands stained also from the ugly malignant secrecy crimes to summon them to the : international criminal court(ICC) ,special tribunal of Lebanon(STL),and to create the special tribunal of Syria (STS)and without any hesitations and to oblige all Syrian directions for the peaceful conversion toward the new Syria with real democracy to immediate stopping of the bloodshed of the innocent bleeding bloods and to avoid unjust severe interior civil wars and to prohibit the spreading the exterior wars to the neighbors countries of Syria which threaten the regional and the international peace with continuous instabilities in many countries of the world for a long time, so I ask urgently all offices of the united nations ,international human rights organizations , UN security council, UN general assembly, UN human rights council, office of High Commissioner for Human Rights to support my demands and to adopt immediately an international investigations on all crimes which performed in Syria to confirm the real credibility of the international community(society )
2. International observer for human rights of any international tribunals or investigations on the Syrian crimes because I am an international member of many international human rights organizations and to cooperate officially with :
a. Mr. Paulo Pinheiro(Chairperson. Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Syrian Arab Republic.
b. Mr. Jose Luis Moreno Ocampo and the new prosecutor Fatou bensouda( prosecutors for the International Criminal Court ICC).
c. the Canadian jurist Norman Farrell (Special Tribunal for Lebanon ).
d. the new appointed prosecutor to Syria probe of the UN human rights council Mrs. Carla Del Ponte
e. Mrs. Valerie Ann Amos (UN under-secretary-general for humanitarian affairs and emergency relief coordinator).
to achieve the real truths and to document all Syrian files of the secrecy and declared crimes under warrant from the united nations
3. to cooperate officially with the United Nations envoy to Syria Mr. AL Akhdar Al Ibrahimi .
to join between all the Syrian peoples from the all directions under one holy Syrian flag to join between them and to protect our country from any dangers ,because Syria is the most expensive country of the world because Syria is the crib of all civilizations of the world ,so we must work together to protect this expensive country and to put all the civil secrecy or the declared crimes under strong supervision from the international criminal court and to stop the slaughter of the innocent children and the defenseless peoples in Syria immediately from the inhuman massacres and to open immediately the international investigations in the criminal court and to union our efforts with all directions of the United Nations

Please answer me as fast as you can for my requests and as soon as possible.
With the best regards from:

Ambassador .H . E. Dr .Antoine Sayegh MD
Syria Blue Crescent Society
Director / Delegate FHM Medical Attaché.
Faculty of Humanitarian Medics (FHM)
Director for Syrian Human Rights Council(SHRC)
The strongest international defender of the world for human rights
my websites:
Syria Blue Crescent Delegation FHM Medical Attache. H. E. Dr .Antoine Sayegh MD.
My new E-mails:
the Syrian Human Rights Council ( SHRC)
Syrian Human Rights Council
the Syrian Human Rights Council ( SHRC) consists of three circles
1. the first circle consists from:
1.the chief director ( a respectable and honorable and neutral man which has a great experiences in the different fields of the human rights )
a. an official member of the Syrian government to contact every department in his government to facilitate the work in every issue .
b. an official member from the united nations to contact him immediately in the needed circumstances and in the critical crisis .
2. the second circle consists from the counselors from the teachers or experts of the different departments of the different Syrian universities ( the public or the special universities ) of the different fields of the human rights ( as counselors and experts).
3. the third circle consists from other members from the different persons of the different fields of Syrian nation with the other members from the different international human rights organizations as international experts in the different fields of the human rights to increase the human rights experiences and to facilitate the participations in the national and the international conferences of the human rights and to participate also in the different campaigns in the needed situations .
The council must not contain any politically or military or intelligence persons or agents ,to accept the real credibility of the work of this council.
we create this council in spite of the type of the regime of the of the Syrian country which rule this country to be the first step toward the creation of the human rights principles for the future and to open the way toward the peaceful changing to the real democracy with complete dignity and perfect respect .
so from the exigent necessity to create this council to save and to protect the weakened persons from the different types of the racism and to save the lives also for all the weakened persons which they did not have any supporters in their lives from the unjust judgments or to protect the expensive treasures of the country the scientists from the apprehension from the dark future ,or from the artificial conspiracies and to participate in every campaign for the human rights to fight against the prostitution actions and the fatal disease the Aids, the cancers ,and the genetic abnormalities ,against the social corruptions ,and against the untraditional wars ,and to create a strong front to aid and to help the united nations in its resolutions.
The priorities of the council:
the urgent missions :

1. to Stop the bloodshed and the slaughtering of the Syrian peoples of the inhuman massacres of the spring Arab revolutions and to cease all fires and all military actions also immediately from of all Syrian directions ( from the regime and from the opponents also ) and to stop immediately the continuous destroying of the rebel calamity cities under the strong resolutions from the united nations to protect these cities from the definite ruins and to prohibit the uses of the heavy weapons or the internationally forbidden of the untraditional weapons in the rebel cities to crack down the peaceful demonstrations .
2. to send all files of the inhuman crimes and ugly immoral massacres to the international criminal court and to the new honest prosecutor Fatou bensouda to open immediately and without any hesitations the international investigations on the crimes against humanity.
3. to ask :
the honorable and respectable director of the UN security council.
the honorable and respectable director of the secretary general of the united nations Mr. Ban Ki-moon. .
the honorable and respectable director of the UN general assembly Mr. Nassir Abdulaziz Al-Nasser..
the honorable and respectable director of the UN human rights council Laura Dupuy Lasserre.
the honorable and respectable leaders of the world.
The honorable and respectable Navanethem Pillay the High Commissioner for Human Rights
To protect the Syrian Arab republic as a united republic from any international conspiracy to divide any part of the republic even under any critical situation and to return the occupied parts by the peaceful manners to the mother main Syrian lands and under the international resolutions from the united nations.
4. to ask all international directions from the united nations and the greatest countries of the security council to refuse any international military interference in the Syrian lands under any urgent causes to occupy any part of the country from any strange military forces and to ask all official offices of the united nations to oblige all Syrian directions ( the regime and the opponents ) to transfer their conflicts out of the rebel cities and not to use the civil regions as a human shields to their forces .
5. to ask urgently the united nations refugee Agency to protect and to help immediately and without any hesitations all the Syrian refugee peoples of the spring Arab revolutions in the hospitable countries and under their own responsibility and under warrant from the united nations refugee agency .
The 1951 Convention relating to the Status of Refugees, with just one “amending” and updating Protocol adopted in 1967
to open an important succors pathways to immediate succor the calamity cities and without any hesitations.
6. to ask the united nations human rights council to ask the Syrian government to protect and to save the lives of the enforced disappearances persons or the arrested the innocent children and the defenseless peoples which express their demands by the peaceful manners as a wars prisoners under the conventions of Genève ,and the Syrian government must be the responsible for their lives and under the international laws .
7. we must work for the international real peace by prohibition of the spreading of the untraditional weapons industrializations to protect all nations of the world from the ugly untraditional destructive wars by disarming all the nations from these inhuman and immoral weapons.
8. to ask again and again all offices of the united nations and the UN human rights council for an urgent Session of the united nations security council to stop immediately the bleeding river of the expensive bloods of the innocent children and the defenseless peoples of the middle east to Stop the bloodshed and the slaughtering of the Syrian peoples of the inhuman massacres of the spring Arab revolutions and to cease all fires and all military actions also immediately and to protect them immediately and without any hesitations under the convention of Genève (12 August 1949).
9.We must send all documented files of the severe aggressions of the human rights from the inhuman assassinations under tortures in Syria to the international criminal court immediately under international rules which depend on:
the Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Being Subjected to Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment, adopted by the General Assembly on 9 December 1975 (resolution 3452 (XXX))

10. to rebuild the harmed rebel cities or villages of the Syrian Arab Republic from the destructive hits from the heavy weapons which destroyed every things in these cities to clean the dangerous ruins and the evidences of the devastations from the international supports from the friends countries of Syria.
11. to treat the wounded patients with the suitable medical aid and to recompense them also with the families which lost the very expensive martyrs ,because they were the real treasures of the spring Arab revolutions. And From very urgent and exigent necessity also to succor very urgently the wounded persons of the disaster rebel cities of the spring Arabic revolutions especially in Syria in the time of the peace and the times of the wars with complete teams ,equipments ,medicines ,ext.. from the international medical humanitarian organizations under the warrant from the united nations and under the mission of the UN any envoy to Syria and under : International Humanitarian Law - Fourth 1949 Geneva Convention‏
Convention (IV) relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War. Geneva, 12 August 1949.

12. we must ask the Syrian government to disprove the death of the suspected persons from the new technologies of the genetic analyses to discover the secret crimes to deprive the secrecy agents from their malignant ugly conspiracies because the declared and the secrecy crimes from the assassinations of the innocent children and the defenseless peoples and from the secrecy assassinations of the noble persons or the magnanimous opponents which hold the alive conscious or the different ideologies to eliminate them from the life from the malignant conspiracies from the ugly secrecy houses which protected under the national laws ( parties ,intelligences ),we must consider these crimes as an ugly crimes against humanity and as dirty crimes of wars because it done from the direct orders or from the planned conspiracies ,so we must ask all international human rights organizations and the united nations human rights council to ask the united nations security council to send the files or these crimes to the international criminal court immediately and without hesitations and we must ask immediately the brave and the magnanimous prosecutor Fatou bensouda of the international criminal court to open immediately an international investigations because these crimes done intentionally ( advisedly ,deliberately ) and done premeditation also to prosecute the ugly hands which stained from the expensive innocent bloods to get the suitable sanctions under the international justice and under infallible ,and the unerring laws of the united nations .
13. we must ask the Syrian government to close the dirty houses of the abnormal sexual actions with many partners and to fight against the danger spreading of the sexually transmitted diseases and the aids and to fight against cancer also to save and to protect our human progeny from the definite eradication and from the absolute elimination also.
Syrian Human Rights Council(SHRC)
The Syrian Human Rights Council is a national council responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights into the country and for addressing situations of human rights violations and make recommendations on them. It has the ability to discuss all thematic human rights issues and situations that require its attention throughout the year and the Syrian Human Rights Council(SHRC) supports the ten principles of the UN Global Compact with respect to human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption.
The aims of the council:
1. To put a national plan to enhancement, to develop the protection of human rights in Syria, and to suggest the means by which to achieve this plan with real practical ways.
2. To provide suggestions and recommendations to the specialized bodies in order to support, protect, and develop human rights in its different fields .
3. To express opinions, views, suggestions, and recommendations for the issues introduced or referred to it by the authorities and specialized bodies for matters related to the strengthening and protection of human rights and to reform continuously the national laws to be suitable for the real facts on the land .
4. To facilitate and to receipt the complaints in the field of human rights, to study and raise them to the authorities and specialized bodies, and to follow up with them. Also to spread awareness to individuals of the legal procedures that should be followed and to assist them in the implementation of these procedures or their settlement with the associated bodies.
5. To follow up with the implementation of the international agreements and conventions related to human rights. Also to provide the associated bodies with the necessary suggestions, recommendations, and feedback for safety implementation to save the national and the international peace also.
6. To cooperate with international organizations and bodies interested in human rights especially the united nations human rights council which contribute to achieving the goals of the Council and developing its relations.
7. To participate with the Syrian delegates in the forums, meetings of the regional and international organizations interested in human rights.
8. To contribute opinions in order to prepare reports that the state is obliged to provide periodically to the committees and organs of human rights implementation to the international agreements and response to their queries.
9. To coordinate with the state institutions interested in human rights and to cooperate with them in this field and with the all national governmental directions ; cooperation include working with the National Council for Women, the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood and other groups.
10. To spread the human rights culture and concepts, making sure that the citizens are aware of them from dignity or real respect . To get assistance from the institutions and organs specialized in education, media, and culture.
11. To organize conferences, sessions, and round-table discussions on issues related to human rights.
12. To provide necessary suggestions to support technical and institutional capabilities in the field of human rights including technical preparation and trainings of employees in state institutions related to freedom and social, economic, and cultural rights in order to improve their efficiency.
13. To publish periodic reviews related to the Council's goals and missions.
14. To publish reports about the situations and developments of Syria's efforts in the field of human rights on both a government and national level.
15. to close the dirty houses of the abnormal sexual actions with many partners and to fight against the danger spreading of the sexually transmitted diseases and the aids and to fight against cancer also to save and to protect our human progeny from the definite eradication and from the absolute elimination also.
16.to work for the international real peace by prohibition of the spreading of the untraditional weapons industrializations to protect all nations of the world from the ugly untraditional destructive wars by disarming all the nations from these inhuman and immoral weapons.
17. to change with peaceful manners toward the democracy with real solutions that satisfy all Syria directions under warrant from the united nations .
18. to disprove the death of the suspected persons from the new technologies of the genetic analyses to discover the secret crimes to deprive the secrecy agents from their malignant ugly conspiracies
The Syrian Human Rights Council consists of a permanent committees shall be formed as follows:
1. Civil and Political Rights Committee
2. Social Rights Committee
3. Economic Rights Committee
4. Cultural Rights Committee
5. Legislative Affairs Committee
6. International Relations Committee
7. Complaints Committee
8. a special committee estimates the general situations on Syria.
9. a special committee to be the monitor and observer on the weapons of mass destructions .

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