موقع الاعلامية مني الشاذلي
هل تريد التفاعل مع هذه المساهمة؟ كل ما عليك هو إنشاء حساب جديد ببضع خطوات أو تسجيل الدخول للمتابعة.

الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولتحية حب وتقدير لجميع أعضاء العاشرة مساءا  0d344d436cf006


 تحية حب وتقدير لجميع أعضاء العاشرة مساءا

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
dr.antoine sayegh

dr.antoine sayegh

النوع النوع : ذكر
العمر العمر : 66
Localisation : syria
الدولــة الدولــة : سورية
تاريخ التسجيل تاريخ التسجيل : 16/12/2010

تحية حب وتقدير لجميع أعضاء العاشرة مساءا  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: تحية حب وتقدير لجميع أعضاء العاشرة مساءا    تحية حب وتقدير لجميع أعضاء العاشرة مساءا  I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء يناير 11, 2011 1:42 pm


لقد كان الجرح عميقا ومؤلما مع بداية زحف العام الجديد ولكن البلسم كان شافيا ومعزيا في يوم الميلاد المجيد لوقفة مشرفة فيها من العزة والإباء أثلجت الصدور المتقدة بالغضب العارم على ضربات الإرهاب الدامي ,وقفة جاءت من الأصالة من أبناء وبنات امة رضعوا المروءة والشهامة منذ فجر التاريخ فلا الألم يفرقهم ولا المحن تنسيهم العروبة لأنهم قدموا من امة غارقة في التاريخ المجيد ,من ينابيعها نهلوا دروسا في الوحدة الوطنية,ومهما اختلف تركيب نسيجها من عروق واديان مختلفة لكن القلب واحد ينبض بالتضامن ووئد الفتن ,لأنهم قدموا من امة قدمت للعالم بأسره منذ فجر العصور التاريخية العلم المتطور والعدل النزيه والهداية الكريمة لجميع الأديان وأهدت للإنسانية الكنوز الثمينة التي لا تقدر بأي ثمن اشرف الأنبياء عبر كل الدهور فمن نورهم وكنوزهم توجت الحضارة الإنسانية بالأخلاق الفاضلة وعرفت الإنسانية المعنى السامي لها فأصبحت هذه الأمة الحية الناطقة بلغة الضاد حمامة السلام التي تنثر أغصان الزيتون في كل أرجاء المعمورة مبشرة للسلام العالمي الحقيقي وللعيش المشترك الكريم بين جميع أبناء الشعب الواحد ,فكانت الرياض الغالية تمثل احد أجنحتها لأنها كانت عاصمة النور للهداية ولمكارم الأخلاق, وكانت القاهرة العزيزة القاهرة للأعداء على مر العصور جناحها الأخر لأنها كانت عاصمة التاريخ المشرف الغارق في القدم,وكانت دمشق الفيحاء جسد هذه الحمامة لأنها عاصمة كل العرب و قلب العروبة النابض بالإباء والشهامة التي تهديكم من ورودها الشامية النسائم المحملة بمختلف أنواع العطور الذكية,وكانت جميع العواصم العربية الأخرى أبناءها وبناتها التي ترفرف فوقهم لتحميهم تحت أجنحتها من غدر الزمان فان أصابها أي سوء أو مكروه أو أصاب أي فرد من أبنائها أو بناتها أيضا عندئذ يتلطخ ريشها الناصع البياض بالدم الغادر ويضيع معها السلام العالمي الحقيقي , فهل يطير مقصوص الجناح؟؟؟؟
مع تحيات الدكتور أنطوان فؤاد صايغ

My great dear:
please contact me on these E-mails in the same time to confirm your sending of your e-mails to me
the E-mails:
the dr. Antoine Sayegh websites:
with the best regards from the dr. Antoine Sayegh

To prohibit the spreading of the nuclear weapons :

Due to the high need for the peaceful atomic energies from the
different countries of the world to build the peaceful atomic nuclear
stations ,I suggest the new project rules as a member of many of the
human rights organizations ,and as a colleague of many offices of the
united nations which they considered me before , against the nuclear
weapons and against the nuclear wars also , the new project aims to help for
the prohibitions for the industrializations for the nuclear weapons
which destroy and which threat our human international peace .
1. The countries which need the peaceful clean nuclear atomic energies
must call for an application to the international agency for the atomic
energy for the clean peaceful atomic energy .
2. the international agency for the atomic energy declares the
projects to the countries in the nuclear club to study the project and
to give its offers.
3. the international agency for the atomic energy must put all the
establishments of the nuclear stations under its strong continuous
supervision from the commissioned members from the different
neutrality countries ( at least three members):
a. the first member belongs to the united nations .
b. the second member belongs to the international agency for the
atomic energy .
c. the third member belongs to the international human rights organizations .
4. to avoid the uses of the scientists which complain from the
unemployment in the illegal nuclear projects ,the international agency
for the atomic energy must use them in the legal projects to
superintend on it also .
So from the rational wisdoms to prevent the spreading of the nuclear
weapons around the world , to put all the nuclear projects of all the
countries of the world under the strong ,the severe ,and the direct
supervision from the united nations ,from the international agency for
the atomic energy ,and from the human rights organizations from their
permanent members in these projects to exchange the low fertilized
the nuclear materials by the high fertilized of these materials from
the different countries which belong to the nuclear club by the
permanent members ,and to disarm all the countries of the world from
their illegal nuclear weapons later to avoid the destructions of the nuclear
wars ,and to act from the popular example : the dangerous weapons
between the hands of the coward persons may be wounding in the future.
With the best regards from the dr. Antoine sayegh




the first report:
the dr. Antoine sayegh international continuous opened campaign:
the first paragraph:
1. to protect the lives of the scientists of the different sciences under the strong and the severe international laws of the united nations and to create a new international agency for the human rights of the scientists which protect the scientists of the world under the warrants from the united nations and under the direct responsibilities of their responsible persons of their countries ,and to open immediately an international investigation under the laws of the international criminal court against the assassinations of the scientists.
The scientists are the real treasures for our human civilization ,and the good protections from the new international laws protect them from the malignant conspiracies which assassinate them :
1. directly :from the enemies for their countries to destroy their creative scientists to weak their experiences and the progressed sciences
2. indirectly: from the secrecy nets ( under any names ,intelligences ,parties, radical or extremists groups )of their countries when the scientists will be the heavy onus against their illegal planning for the untraditional projects (weapons , wars, assassinations ,.. ),so the scientists were the good targets as the new enemies to these nets which supported under the secret covers from their countries, so the scientists will be the innocent victims and the facile targets to eradicate them from their roots from their societies .
3. the protections for the scientists and for their families also from the creation from the new international agency for the human rights of the scientists ,must be the first priority duties of the international society especially from the united nations ,and under the severe laws of the international criminal court, to protect them from the different dangers from their different types of the enemies ( the intrinsic or the extrinsic enemies ).
With the best regards from the dr. Antoine sayegh

The second report:
the dr. Antoine sayegh international continuous opened campaign
2. to fight against the fatal diseases ,against the nuclear weapons , and against the nuclear wars ,to ask the rational rulers of the world for more efforts for the real international peace ,from best options of the peaceful manners from the peaceful negotiations, but not from the ugly refused wars ,because all the nations need the real peace which solve every problems between the countries .
4. to protect our earth from the strong international laws of the united nations against any factors which harm the virgin nature of our fantastic planet ,and to encourage for more efforts of the scientific researches ,because our sunny future depend on the good progresses in the different fields of the different sciences
our magnificent earth which full of the different types of the lives is not the house for the previous human civilizations , but also for the next human civilizations and for all the nations also ,so we must protect it from any dangerous factors which destroy the virgin nature of it from the untraditional wars ,or from the climate changes ( from the hothouse phenomena ),so from the wisdoms ,to prevent the untraditional weapons industrializations, to prohibit the untraditional wars ,and to disarm all the countries around the world from its untraditional weapons from the severe laws from the united nations and under its supervisions also ,and to promulgate a new international laws against any contamination for our earth to guarantee for our children and our grandsons also the real safe lives in the future ,because the ruins will come sooner or later from the nature disasters which destroy every expensive things around us ,and without any mercies ,are we need for more artificial disasters also ???.
With the best regards from the dr. Antoine sayegh
sign the petition
the dr. Antoine sayegh international continuous opened campaign
my great dear:
if you can not copy the attachments, please copy the petition from the discussion from the websites:
with the best regards from the dr. Antoine sayegh
the third report:
the dr. Antoine sayegh international continuous opened campaign
4. to promulgate a new certificates for the death which disprove the abnormal causes of the death from the genetic analyses of the DNA, and to open a new offices for the human rights in the all governments of the all countries of the world to aid and to support the governments in their missions under the warrants from the united nations, and to educate from the new methods of the human rights in the schools for all the countries of the world ,to build our human civilization on the real ethical bases.
One of the most important duties of the united nations to perform many random genetic analyses from the DNA assay and from the analyses for the poisons and the toxins on the dead bodies from the different graves from the different countries to disprove the causes of the criminal death ,because many countries did not depend on the very specific analyses for the death ,but they depend only on the clinical symptoms and signs of the death ,so the most important note to search for the real causes of the death which hide under the normal illness causes like the acute myocardial infarction or from the severe complications from the severe hypertension or from the cancers ,but the real causes hidden under the chronic intoxications from the different toxic materials which induce the normal causes of the death( illegally ) to extirpation the rejected persons ( the persons which have the alive conscious ,which oppose their illegal untraditional projects, or which hold the human rights principles ) from their societies from the malignant actions from the secrecy nets to obliterate their existences from legal ways
The fourth report:
the dr. Antoine sayegh international continuous opened campaign
the third paragraph:
3. to fight against the social corruptions ,against the debauchery actions ,and against the abnormal sexual actions with many partners ,to build our human civilization on the ethical principles with clean life and with the normal DNA ,and to put all the groups of the abnormal sexual actions with many partners ( under any names) under the hard international laws of the international criminal court to get their suitable sanctions for their malignant performances.
we must fight by any peaceful manners against the fatal diseases which deform our DNA and against the nuclear wars which destroy our earth and our human civilization also, and from the wounding injustice from the secrecy agents which act as the national strugglers but in the real facts they were the hideous warriors in the beds wars and the repugnant savers for the national laws and the repulsive protectors for the secrecy houses and the repellent actors for the secret crimes ,and from their distasteful works from the abnormal sexual actions with many partners, they change our wives to the whore women and they change also our daughters to the harlot girls ,they were the disgusting killers for their children and for our children and for our grandsons also from the fatal diseases because they were the horrid sources for these diseases ,so where is the honor of the country ???
,so the honor of the countries were under their besmirched boots ,and between their impurity ,obscenity, and ribaldry hands, because they change our countries to the enslaved ,enthralled ,and subjugated lands, and between deviations of the rational thoughts of the countries toward the social corruption and the debauchery behaviors with the uses of the bodies of the women and the girls in the ugly trade markets ,because when the countries direct the prostitution actions under its civil nets ( parties ,intelligences, special groups ) for its secret missions ,it plays the roles of the adulterers men and the harlot women by changing our countries to the big brothels with the spread of the poverty, hunger ,the diseases, the racisms ,the loss of the integrity of the laws, the feelings from the disappointments in these countries, so the countries were the real killers for our children, and for our grandsons also.
And they were danger fuel for the real third international war against our health: we face the new front which is without any mercy against our health and against the fatal diseases also which came from the abnormal sexual actions with many partners from the civil secret members which were the fuel for this horrible war ,because they were the terrible sources for the dangerous diseases from their contaminations from the : 1.direct infections : from the high ratios( hundreds of millions ) from the severe and the dangerous vital organisms :
a. the hepatitis viruses especially the type C.
b. the aids viruses.
c. the direct oncogene viruses.
d. from the presence of the new series from the influenza viruses the types H1N1 or the dangerous type the H3N5
e. from the other vital organisms : bacteria (TB) ,fungi, and parasites ( malaria) .
f. the combined viruses between the human being and the animals : like the simian viruses SV40 and the xenotropic murine leukemia virus -related viruses (XMRV)
2. the synergistic effects between the viruses which cause the cancer as the viruses which act as the co factors for the HPV-16 like HCMV and HSV-2 .
3. contaminations from the viruses which responsible for the incidences of the permanent mutations in the DNA which responsible for the cancers or for the genetic diseases
4. the severity from the mutations on the hyper variable parts of the antigens of the vital organisms which many times the hyper variable parts of the antibodies unable to form the immune complexes to destroy the harmful vital organisms .
5. the failure for the complete repairs for the mutations in the DNA from the suppressor genes ( its proteins) like the genes RB1 , CDKN2A,APC, PTEN, PTCH,VHL, TP53, BRCA1 , BRCA2 ,MLH1, MSH2., :RET , MET, which formed from the contaminations from the fatal vital organisms.
6. the prophylaxes from these vital organisms must be the best ways from the incomplete treatments from many drugs or vaccines with the absences of the specific treatments for many fatal diseases, so from these reasons we must perform :
1. to struggle against the abnormal sexual actions with many partners to stop the prostitution actions immediately ,especially the actions of the civil secret nets .
2. to change the ancient laws and to promulgate many new laws against the corruptions and the debauchery actions from the absolute freedom for the sexual relations between the peoples.
3. to change the rules for the security policies from the real scientific new technologies to avoid the uses of the bodies of the women and the girls for the secrecy aims and to close all the secret houses because they are the real sources for the fatal diseases ,so the governments must hoard these civil nets to save our necks not to be under their boots ,so all the governments which use like these nets must be the main responsible for these fatal diseases and the main responsible also for decadence for our human civilization ,so we must put all the civil secret nets under the laws of the international criminal court sooner or later and to open an international investigations to deprive them from their hidden crimes and their hands which stained from the innocent bloods to get the suitable sanctions .
4. we must save the life of the scientists under the international laws of the united nations to encourage them for more scientific discoveries and to activate their concealed creative spirits .
5.we must ask the brave, bold, dauntless, and undaunted knights of the all members of the human rights organizations of the world for more works against the debauchery actions and the social corruptions, against the raping of the women and the children ,and against also the trading and the trafficking of the innocent children , to spread the moral ethics and to excite the moral behaviors in the social relations and to participate immediately and without any hesitations in all the campaigns against the fatal diseases because they are the real treasure for our human civilization.
6.from the inheritable traditional manners for the security policies which we absolutely refuse it because it involves us in the untraditional war against our health , so the exigent necessity to build the manners of the security and the safety on the real scientific rules from the great progresses of the different domains of the other high technologies without uses of the bodies of the women and the girls in these dirty ways ,because these old manners changed the females partners in the life to the whore women and the harlot girls and they change our life to the terrible nightmares and to the horrible hells which the ghosts of the death flaps over our heads ,so we must leave the look of the pessimisms and we must put in our hearts the hopes of the plenty of the optimisms for new orient ,and brilliant dawn from the new changing of the bases of the systems of our world which must build on the clean and the scientific roots and without the aggressions on our real human rights and from the presences of the noble ,entrusted ,honest ,and brave men of the all staff of the international offices of the united nations especially the secretary general of the united nations , the president of the European commission and magnanimous leaders of the world which hold and raise on their shoulder the flags of the peace ,so our human civilization is between your blessed hands and our radiant future depend on your alive conscious to fight against the fatal diseases for the normal DNA ,for good health, and for the clean life for us and for the next generations ,so we must create our strong front which compose from the noble and the honest persons of the world against this untraditional third war and against the members of the abnormal sexual actions with many partners of the civil secret nets also, to struggle for our real existence in this life and for the nice future for our next generations also.
and the collective sexual actions with many partners between the civil members of the secret nets must not consider from the brave security actions but it must consider from the prostitution actions ,because these abnormal sexual actions with many partners were the danger fuel for the real third international war against our health ,so these ugly nets involve us and our next generations in this persistent war which threaten the permanence of the normal human progeny in the future .
the fifth report:
the dr. Antoine sayegh international continuous opened campaign
the fourth paragraph:
4. to promulgate a new certificates for the death which disprove the abnormal causes of the death from the genetic analyses of the DNA, and to open a new offices for the human rights in the all governments of the all countries of the world to aid and to support the governments in their missions under the warrants from the united nations, and to educate from the new methods of the human rights in the schools for all the countries of the world ,to build our human civilization on the real ethical bases.
so the exigent necessity to build our honest humanity from the real human rights principles which save for the persons the truthful human respect and the real veritable dignity, to challenge against the different types of the racism ( or the racialism ) to deal with all the nations of the world without any distinguishing between the peoples from the races ,religions ,colors , to act with the all human rights organizations against the different type of the slaveries ( antislavery) especially the new white slavery ( the uses of the bodies of the women and the girls in the ugly trade markets for the secrecy missions from the abnormal sexual actions with many partners ) ,to participate in the all campaigns against the raping of the women and the children , to struggle against the trading and trafficking of the children, and to fight against any harms to our fantastic earth from any dangerous factors and to fight also against the fatal diseases : the aids ,the cancers ,the genetic disorders from the international campaigns of the different human rights organizations ,so the urgent need to open a new offices of the human rights organizations in every country of the world and under the warrants from the united nations to save for the persons all their human rights with the real freedom ,the good dignity ,and the best respect under the national laws or the international laws of the united nations

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
supervisor / Amir
مشرف قسم التعليق اليومي وبقسم النقاشات والصور
مشرف قسم التعليق اليومي وبقسم النقاشات والصور
supervisor / Amir

النوع النوع : ذكر
العمر العمر : 64
Localisation : alexandria
تاريخ التسجيل تاريخ التسجيل : 14/12/2007

تحية حب وتقدير لجميع أعضاء العاشرة مساءا  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: تحية حب وتقدير لجميع أعضاء العاشرة مساءا    تحية حب وتقدير لجميع أعضاء العاشرة مساءا  I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء يناير 11, 2011 7:27 pm

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الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
تحية حب وتقدير لجميع أعضاء العاشرة مساءا
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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