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 DR. Antoine Sayegh experiments in cancer:

اذهب الى الأسفل 
2 مشترك
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dr.antoine sayegh

dr.antoine sayegh

النوع النوع : ذكر
العمر العمر : 66
Localisation : syria
الدولــة الدولــة : سورية
تاريخ التسجيل تاريخ التسجيل : 16/12/2010

DR. Antoine Sayegh experiments in cancer: Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: DR. Antoine Sayegh experiments in cancer:   DR. Antoine Sayegh experiments in cancer: I_icon_minitimeالجمعة سبتمبر 21, 2012 11:01 am

DR. Antoine Sayegh experiments in cancer:
1.the hybridization phase :
We incubate together in the Petri dishes which nourished with high amounts of Argenin by promulgation the rules of the Lederberg-Tatum experiment and Bernard Davis U tube experiment
a. the aerobic types strains of the denitrifies bacteria like pseudomonas stutzeri TR2 or the strains paracocus denitryficans K50 to produce the nitrous oxide and in the tissues the formation of the NO came from the converting L-Argenine by the enzyme nitric oxide synthase But the NO in the tissues plays an important roles in the cancers because the macrophages :these cells activated by the cytokines or by the TNF which produces the nitric oxide ( NO ) which kills the organisms ( for the aids viruses also) and the malignant cells ( cancers )and the macrophages which aid and which did not aid also by the antibodies.
Or the ammonia oxidizing bacteria( AOB)which produce the nitrates from the Ammonium.
b. the bacteria( different types of the pseudomonas ) which have the abilities to digest the cyanide by the enzyme pterin – dependent hydroxylase which breaks the nitrogen out of the cyanide and these bacteria can form the cyanide from the Glycin.
c. different types of the mediators which facilitate the hybridization like :
a. RNase III proteins which act as endonuclease.
b. ERA proteins to facilitate the growth and the divisions by its GTPase domain and the RNA –binding KH domain .
c. magnesium with the different types of the endonuclease and DNA ligase also or we can use also the HPPK type of the pyrophosphokinase enzyme which acts for the folate biosynthetic pathway which needed for the microorganisms or to use the Nus family which interacts with protein – protein or protein –RNA by its types the A,B,E,G especially by the formation complex NusB-NusE-dsRNA in the assemblies complex as antitermiantion complex .
This phase help us to create a new strains of the bacteria( the hybrid bacteria) which have the ability to depend on the cyanide in its nourishments and can form the Nitric oxide( NO) in the same time to use them later .
2. the cellular phase :
a. in vitro :
we incubate in the same time in a special dishes ( Petri dishes without Agar but with the serum of the blood of the same patient which has the cancer tumor) many cancer cells and many normal cells from the same tumor with the hybrid bacteria with the same conditions of the Lederberg-Tatum experiment and Bernard Davis U tube experiment and we add also the p53 proteins, the cells the macrophages and the natural killer cells ( NK ) and the killer cells ( K ) and the LAK cells by prepare them from many steps:
1 step 1: we use colony stimulating factors to increase the number of the W.B.C. to use many types later. we isolate the cells the macrophages and the natural killer cells ( NK ) and the killer cells ( K ) to prepare them for the research.
2.step 2 :we use the chemo tactic factors :
a. the n-formyl methionin contains peptides as chemo tactic powerful action for phagocytes.
b. the intergrins that help for promote the binding the phagocytes to the endothelial cells in the tumors
c. the humors factors like the interferon ,TNF, IL2, C5a to help for the increase the phagocyte actions.
3.step 3 : we prepare the cancer tissues (small amounts or few cells ) with these factors and we put with them the types of the killer cells before to increase and excite its functions and to get the LAK cells
the properties of the cells
1. the macrophages :these cells activated by the cytokines and it produce the TNF which produce the nitric oxide ( NO ) that kill the organisms and the malignant cells these cells also does not aid by the antibodies .
2. the natural killer cells : NK : which has low affinity for the fc receptors and its types the CD56 ,CD16 it kill the aids viruses and the cancer cells by its cytolytic proteins the ( perforin ) and it contains large granules and it called the lymphokine activated killer cells the ( LAK ) that mean its origin from the CD56,CD16 and by activation by the interferon and IL2 .
3.the killer cells :K :these cells depend on the fc receptors and kill the malignant cells coated by the IGG to cause the lyses

b. in vivo :
1. we inject the hybrid bacteria ( as vaccine) subcutaneously to increase the immunity of the patients by formation the IGM and IGG later to avoid any harms of the hybrid bacteria .
2. we inject the hybrid bacteria again into the blood of the patient directly after many days.
3. we inject also with the hybrid bacteria with many of the normal cells of the same tissue of the cancer ( from biopsy ) the p53 proteins, the cells the macrophages and the natural killer cells ( NK ) and the killer cells ( K ) and the LAK cells .
4. we can use the PABA/NO which activated by the glutathione S- tranferase ( GST) by its types the GST-alpha and GST-pi to kill cancer cells by releasing cytotoxic levels of nitric oxide .
The aims of the experiments :
To kill the cancer cells in the malignant tissues from the hybrid bacteria by the intrinsic cyanide and from the nitric oxide (NO) and to clean the body from the residues of the destroyed cells of cancer by normal mechanisms of human immune system from the large affinity of the hybrid bacteria due to the excess vessels in the cancer tissues and from the specific qualities of the NO on the vascular system also.
With the best regards from:
Ambassador .H . E. Dr .Antoine Sayegh MD
Syria Blue Crescent Society
Director / Delegate FHM Medical Attaché.
Faculty of Humanitarian Medics (FHM)
Director for Syrian Human Rights Council(SHRC)
The strongest international defender of the world for human rights
my websites:
Syria Blue Crescent Delegation FHM Medical Attache. H. E. Dr .Antoine Sayegh MD.
My new E-mails:
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النوع النوع : ذكر
العمر العمر : 69
الدولــة الدولــة : ما استحق ان يولد من عاش لنفسه فقط
تاريخ التسجيل تاريخ التسجيل : 22/06/2011

DR. Antoine Sayegh experiments in cancer: Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: DR. Antoine Sayegh experiments in cancer:   DR. Antoine Sayegh experiments in cancer: I_icon_minitimeالثلاثاء سبتمبر 25, 2012 2:06 am

well come DR. Antoine Sayegh
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